Publications > Scream City > Scream City Issue #4 > Scream City 4 additional material

Scream City 4 was made to look like it was done on a photocopier in the Seventies. Nearly all text was set in fixed-width Courier New for that old school typewriter vibe. The cover featured a photograph of Vini Reilly by Rachel McFarlane that was processed by Steven Hankinson in halftone. The title was done in Dymo for that added retro feel. An alternate rejected cover strategy was to have included some old Situationist graphics. This got as far as a simple test before being scrapped.
The back cover continued the anagrammatical nonsense that we expected to see in this location with 'Mystic E Car'. Ian McCartney bought on eBay the mascot off an old Jag which the seller had in turn bought off Tony Wilson. The jaguar figurine was broken and as the owner was doing a refurb he put it up for sale. Apparently the proceeds from the sale were donated to The Christie in Manchester where AHW had been treated during his illness. Steven treated the image in halftones and I added in some random photocopier noise that I picked up from the rubbish pile at work.

Scream City 3 additional material

Scream City 4; Situationist International - graphic idea
Scream City 4; Situationist International - graphic idea

Scream City 4; Situationist International - abandoned conceptual graphic
Scream City 4; Situationist International - abandoned conceptual graphic

Scream City 4; OBSCURED SCREAM CITY 4 - abandoned front cover idea
Scream City 4; OBSCURED SCREAM CITY 4 - abandoned front cover idea

Scream City 4; original photograph by Rachel McFarlane as used on the front cover
Scream City 4; original photograph by Rachel McFarlane as used on the front cover

Scream City 4; 1st cover test
Scream City 4; 1st cover test

Scream City 4; 2nd cover test
Scream City 4; 2nd front cover test

Scream City 4; final cover test
Scream City 4; final cover test

Scream City 4; original photo by Ian McCartney for back cover
Scream City 4; original photo by Ian McCartney for back cover

Scream City 4; original photo by Ian McCartney for back cover
Scream City 4; original photo by Ian McCartney for back cover

Scream City 4; photocopier noise as used for back cover texture
Scream City 4; photocopier noise as used for back cover texture

Scream City 4; back cover Mystic E Car Jaguar mascot cover test 1
Scream City 4; back cover Mystic E Car Jaguar mascot cover test 1

Scream City 4; back cover Mystic E Car Jaguar mascot cover test 2
Scream City 4; back cover Mystic E Car Jaguar mascot cover test 2

Scream City 4; back cover Mystic E Car Jaguar mascot cover test 3
Scream City 4; back cover Mystic E Car Jaguar mascot cover test 3

Mystic E Car; pic: Ian McCartney
Mystic E Car; pic: Ian McCartney