Section 25 > Structure Moderne 12: Live In Minneapolis video 29 January 1985 < Video < LTMDVD 2429 So Far < LTM

Section 25: Live In Minneapolis video 29 January 1985; facsimile back cover detail
Catalogue number Structure Moderne 12
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Live performance video from Section 25's gig in Minneapolis on 29 January 1985. Frank Brinkhuis's excellent biography recalls: "In January and February 1985 a second North American tour was completed, comprising sixteen dates including Boston, Columbus, Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Baton Rouge, Washington DC and Trenton, before winding up at the Ritz in New York. The superlative set on offer comprised From the Hip in its entirety (less Desert) together with a re-tooled electro version of Dirty Disco and (on occasion) the prototype Bad News Week.".
According to the official Section 25 website 'Structure Moderne' was a French outlet which shot this professional video of Section 25 in Minneapolis which was released in 1989.