Kalima > Kalima Discography > FAC 187 Weird Feelings / The Dance < Swamp Children

FAC 187 Weird Feelings / The Dance; front cover detail

FAC 187 Weird Feelings / The Dance; back cover detail

FAC 187 - Weird Feelings 3.34 / The Dance 5.28 - press advert
Release date
May 1987
Weird Feelings 3.34
The Dance 5.28
All songs written by Kalima. Recorded at Yellow 2, Stockport, Manchester. February 1987. Co-produced by Paul Harrison and Kalima. Engineered by Paul Harrison. Copyright control. Manufactured in the UK. SPecial thanks to Khairie, Chris, Paul and everyone at Factory. Sleeve design - Johnson/Panas, Manchester. Band photography - Graham Proudlove. Management - Gregor Stewer. Factory Records, 86 Palatine Road, Manchester 20. 061-434 3876. FAC 187
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