Factory Too > Hopper > FACD 2.22 Bad Kid

FACD 2.22 Bad Kid; front cover detail

FACD 2.22 Bad Kid; insert detail

Fac 2.22 Bad Kid 7" single; front cover detail
Bad Kid
Cheap Jack
(From the album "'Cause I Rock". Recorded and produced by Bernard Butler. Engineered by Nigel Godrich and Alex Seel at RAK Studios, London. All songs written by Hopper. Copyright control - Factory Too (1996). Photographs and Design by Ed Templeton. (P) 1996 Factory Too; © 1996 Factory Too. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting prohibited.

FACD 2.22 Bad Kid; back cover detail

FACD 2.22 Bad Kid; inner insert detail
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The album 'Cause I Rock' turned out to be the album 'English and French'.