FAC 51 The Hacienda > History > Beautiful 2000 < David Knopov < Designers < Rob's Records

FAC 51 The Hacienda - Beautiful 2000; fanzine # 11 front cover
Beautiful 2000 was the successor to the Temperance Club. It featured resident DJ Dave Haslam. Fac 351 records its inception thus: "Dave Haslam returns in glory as the Thursday DJ. David Knopov designs the distinctive hoover flyer and '50s kitsch slides. This takes up where Temperance Club left off, with a housier playlist and an optimistic eye to the future (hence the name). There is also a free fanzine given out on the door edited by Rebecca Goodwin, and new DJs are introduced in the cocktail bar. John McCready, Jason Boardman and Elliot Eastwick become regulars.)
David Knopov also did artwork for The Wendys, including Facd 285 Gobbledygook. Knopov was a pal or possibly even a school mate of Ian Broudie (producer of The Wendys) and self-styled visual 'sampler' of the time. He was also one of the triumvirate of designers who did the Hacienda re-opening flyer. A transcript of one of the fanzines from the 11th night in early August 1991 follows.
Issue #11
Primal Scream, the Hacienda, 23 July 1991
If Primal Scream had played in Manchester just after 'Come Together' and 'Loaded' you would have expected mass hysteria and a sell-out gig anywhere in town. So why, in July 1991, do they pull just 800 at the Hacienda? It could have been worse, they could have been Teenage Fan Club pulling 200 at International One, or Top getting a lot less even than that at the Boardwalk. But where have all the packed gigs gone? Is it the fault of the bands, the promoters, of the recession? Maybe a future issue of 'Beautiful 2000' can shed some light on all of this, but for the moment we'll just moan and say "You should have been there".
You should have been them to witness a performance by Primal Scream that was at times brilliant, at times rubbish, and sometimes a bit of both. It was never anything less than compulsive viewing.
Using taped rhythms, and a female backing vocalist (Manchester's Denise Johnson), they were a long way from their rock 'n' rolling incarnation which played at the Hacienda twenty months ago. Them was still plenty of energy, but now thet hold back, in deference to the newfound dance influences.
The songs which worked best were the ones with the strongest rhythms. Changes of tempo and approach, moving from acid house to rock ballad, barely worked. The soft rock numbers ton often lapsed into a sub Jagger/Richards act.
But Bobby Gillespie dominated the stage and was by far the best thing about the night. In the cold light of day you'd probably say that the best track of the set was 'Don't Fight It, Feel It' when Denise Johnson too lead vocals. But Bobby is a star that won't be outshone. He was bouncing and jumping, and clapping and singing, like an excited marionette, a fey dervish, an exhibitionist in love with himself.
The audience seemed to be suffering all sorts of identity crises; ex-anorak kids, teenagers, thirty something MC5 fans, ex fanzine editors, and supreme rave heads. The sound for Primal Scream was awful, booming and ill-mixed. And the cocktail bar was closed, much to the disappointment of the heavy drinkers, thirty somethings who needed to chill out, and those of us who prefer the downstairs toilets. Normally, it's also a great place to escape from a crap band; on Tuesday, however, I wouldn't have missed the Primals for the world.
A few Morrissey snippets for you. At his recent Wembley gig, Morrissey and his entourage were transported from the London Hilton to the venue in three stretch limos. His microphone wasn't switched on for the first number and the assembled adoring hordes were treated to the world premiere of 'Interesting Drug (Intstrumental version). Backstage informants list Moz's rider in New York as including four packets of breadsticks, assorted bars of Swiss chocolate and gallons of sparkling mineral water. Rock 'n' Roll! At the New York post-gig party, Moz met legendary film director John 'Hairspray' Waters who has apparently expressed interest in Morrissey appearing in his next film. Among the other guests were REM.
How does Eric Longley cross the road? By New York cab, of course. But only if it's raining.
More stories of Eric at loose in the Big Apple: jumpy security guards at the New Music Seminar thought they were in for a re-run of last year's NWA aggro when the sound of gunshots rent the air. But no! It was only our Eric popping balloons. Can't take him anywhere.
Keep your eyes open for News The Fall who are planning "something mega" for Manchester in August....That's all we can say for now.
Following The Beautiful South's elegant departure from Cities In The Park, The Soup Dragons attempt to jump another bandwagon and join then. A difference of opinion with their agent is cited as the reason. We think it's more like another instance of the Souped Up Dinosours following any lead that's set. Anyway, they're going nowhere, so their contract says.
At last Monday's Primal Scream gig in Sheffield, friends of the ubiquitous Andy McQueen were mystified as to his wereabouts. It seems the Primals were sufficiently groovy to transport Andy to dizzy heights, no less. He was discouvered sitting on the roof of the venue, smiling. Trying to get higher than the sun, perhaps?
Look out for.....
World Of Twist at Beautiful 2000 on August 22nd and Intastella at Beautiful 2000, August 29th.
August 15th is 'A' Level results day, and if you can prove that you FAILED your 'A' Levels (that's an F grade), you can drink away your sorrows at Beautiful 2000 and get in FREE. Wow! That should more than compensate.
Cities In The Park at Heaton Park - fast approaching. Let's hope it doesn't rain.
And have you seen 'Manto News'. Yes, so have we. Sincerest form of flattery.
'robsrecords' is a new record label that has been set up by New Order's manager Rob Gretton. The label is run independently of New Order. The story so far.
robsrecords started when Ony Rodriguez from Miami's The Beat Club contacted Bernard from New Order and asked him to remix 'Security', a house classic from 1988. 'Security' was a favourite of Bernard's and remixed the track, and sung the new vocals himself. Rob travelled to Miami to meet Ony and became Ony's manager. It seemed a good idea, therefore, to put the track out himself. The new 'Security' didn't appear until December 1990, due to legal problems.
rob2 was released on July 15th of this year and was ACR's double A side 'Loosen Up Your Mind'/The Planet'. When ACR left A & M they had a wealth of material and no outlet. Rob suggested that he release the next single and rob2 hit the streets and the dance floors to critical acclaim.
The Beat Club have an albums worth of material, and a new single, 'Dreams Were Made To Be Broken', is due for release this August and has been remixed by ACR's Martin Moscrop.
Future robs.
There will be an album by The Beat Club, as yet untitled, released around Christmas. The newest signing is B-Line aka Andrew Robinson. Andy used to be New Order's tour manager and was last seen playing keyboards on the Electronic LP. Andy will be playing with Electronic at Heaton Park's Cities In The Park and DJs around Manchester. B-Line's single is to be called 'Higher', no release date has yet been set.
Mark Farrow has designed the covers of The Beat Club's 'Security' and 'Dreams Were Made To Be Broken' using photographs by Lewis Muliatero.
Trevor Johnson of Johnson Panas designed ACR's s 'Loosen Up Your Mind'/'The Planet' cover.
That's it for the pipeline at the moment, but robsrecords are on the lookout for new talent. They have no music policy as such and are interested in a "variety of music for the '90s. We're not just a dance label!" If you have something you think they should hear, send demo tapes to them c/o the Hacienda.
Distinguishing features
Swivel are the guys in the lighting box who push the buttons and flick the switches to lend the Hacienda a little visual excitement. Aside from lighting up our evenings in the club, Swivel is a video making business. Jonathan Unsworth and Mark Smith on what lights their candle, for Beautiful 2000...
Who are 'Swivel'? Apart from us, there are two more in London - Danny Jacobs and John Clayton. They live in London and handle the side of the video business that needs to be dealt with them - all the record companies etc The obnoxious side! The videos we do am mainly for Manchester bands, but all the money comes from London. How long have you been working at the Hacienda? Too long! How did you get your jobs here? Through mutual friends We just started doing the videos on odd nights the gay Mondays to begin with - and Rob Gretton and New Order liked our videos so we started working on all the video nights. Then the lighting guy got sacked, and we were thrown in at the deep end. Erasure was the first gig we did and we had to learn on the job! New Order's lighting man liked it and so we stayed. Have you any relevant training? In videos, yes. Not lighting. Film courses in 16mm, Super 8, a B.F.I. course - we were at college with Spielberg, he sold out. How's the video career going? The first pop video we did was for T-Coy's 'Carino' for Mike Pickering, we liked the record and did it for cost And Gerald ie A Guy Called Gerald), we knew him from the club and liked his record, and we had an idea for the video, so we approached him to do that It was on Top Of The Pops and The Chart Show - it was actually one of The Chart Show's videos of the year. And we did The Sundays' 'Can't Be Sure' - because Danny went to school with one of the band - nothing wrong with a bit of healthy nepotism! And recently 7 We've just done the 'Perfume' video for the Paris Angels, and one for Bass-O-Matic. Back to lighting the Hacienda. What's the best part of the job? We get paid sometimes! No, really, over the last three years at the Hacienda, we've seen it all happen - the biggest explosion in youth culture since 77. It was a privilege to he hem, at the epicentre. Have you had any Interesting liggers in the lighting box lately? Actually, David Bowie's son was in last week. He's really ordinary, looks like he comes from Macclesfield or something - ponytail and trainers. He was having a hard time coping with the crowds. Is there anything bad about working at the Hacienda? Er, we can't hear as well as we could! And we can't get to sleep because our eyes are flashing. And we can't get pissed once the lights are going - and it's too hot in summer, and too cold in winter. What ambitions have you for your business? To make a film. What sort? A comedy surreal thriller, in documentary style - a good one, one that makes us a lot of money! Is that a priority for you, making a lot of money? Mmmm. Not necessarily, you have to live, but you also have to live for yourself. What will you he doing In the year 2000? Mark - Celebrating still being alive! Jonathan - I'll probably have about three kids by then (No. One due in December), still working at the Hacienda, in crutches. And wondering why Mike Pickering's still only thirty-five! And whether Dave Haslam's bald, or has really short hair cuts! What's your favourite club? This one. What has been the best night you've had at the Hacienda? Disorder (for both), definitely. And most New Year's Eves, especially '89/'90. Beautiful Sounds? Everything - except for mainstream pop. We listen to Graeme Park tapes, classical music, jazz, plays on Radio 4, The Archers. What were the first gigs you went to? Steve Hillage in 1975 (Mark), Jethro Tull (Jonathan) at Wembley Stadium in 1970, with my Dad. I was nine and it blew me away! Full of hippies. Starsigns? Mark? Aries, typical dreamed jonathan? Libran completely typical, you want to see me tying to buy a pair of trousers! Major character flaws, please. Too soft - you can put that for both of us. And finest virtues? Jonathan? I can laugh at myself. And Mark? I'm unwilling to criticise. Favourite sexual positions? Up a rope (Mark). Inside Jonathan). What do you like about Beautiful 2000, the night? It's unpredictable, nice crowd, good lights (?), Haslam's haircut and the fanzine's the best thing about the night (why, thank-you). What parts do you like best? The interview section, and the gossip, definitely the gossip.
A Beautiful 2000 sign off each please. Mark -'Give a little, take a lot. Jonathan - "Fuck'em all... thats me trying not to be too soft!"
Beautiful Sounds
Terminal Power Company - 'Wired' (Situation Two). A kind of instrumental hip-hop Icy Division; doom with a back beat.
TWP - 'Mama' (4AD). Brilliant Wolfgane Press tune with a wonderful but (so far) unreleased remix by Martin Young; TWP taking us to boogie wonderland with their best since 'Kansas'.
SSR - 'To Be House' (Guerilla Records). Now licensed from Britain from the Italian Inside label, you'll have heard this loads of times as its been buzzing around the clubs for months.
Double Serise - 'You Make Me Feel' (Energy). Another marvellous Italian job, here remixed beautifully by Frank De Wulf.
2 Frenchmen - 'Black Planet' (Rapino). Breathless rave house stealing huge chunks from the B52's 'Planet Claire'.
The non-appearance of John McCready in the cocktail bar last week (lost somewhere between here and the New Music Seminar in New York) provoked emergency measures. In order that downstairs should not be deprived of its weekly shot of variety, 'Scott & Gary', were plucked from the obscurity of the City Road pub (across the mad from the Hacienda), where they had been bamboozling the locals with their selection of various types of noisy house music. For the price of a taxi home and a bottle of Grolsch, and under the strict instructions to play NO techno, they saved the day. Until one of the decks broke. it was all very exciting, I can tell you.
Tonight, attempting to top last week's nail-biting turn of events, is a welcome return for CRAIG JOHNSON. You've probably heard him before - he's good. Lock out for 'celebrity' cocktail bar Djs in the near future when the infamous MATT 'n' PAT from CENTRAL STATION DESIGN take to the wheels of steel in the Gay Traitor. Your guess is as good as mine as to what they'll play.
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Rebecca Goodwin and Murray Healy did the covers for the Beautiful 2000, based initially on Knopov's Hoover graphic for the night. Rebecca also wrote the 'gas' (gossip) section and did all the 'distinguishing features' (interviews) sections. Thanks to Ian White of The Wendys and Rebecca Goodwin for info.