Edifices > FAC 251 Factory HQ > The Happy Mondays posters < Happy Mondays
![Fac 251 The New Factory; covered in Technique posters (from NME February 1989 [photo: Rebecca Boulton]](http://factoryrecords.org/images/fac_251_poster_modernism_nme_250289_450.jpg)
Fac 251 The New Factory; covered in Technique posters (from NME February 1989 [photo: Rebecca Boulton]

FAC 251 The New Factory [photo: Kevin Cummins]
Fac 251 The New Factory headquarters at "One Charles Street", in Manchester. After they'd bought it, and before it was ready for post-Ben Kelly occupation, Factory realised they had a whole lot of wall space to fill and prime billboard country it was too. So, they plastered it with Happy Mondays, 'Bummed' posters. And a few others afterwards.
With thanks to David Mellon for imagery.