Happy Mondays > FACT 170C Squirrel & G-Man Twenty-Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carn't Smile (White Out) < Central Station Design < Designers

FACT 170C - Squirrel & G-Man Twenty-Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carn't Smile (White Out)

FACT 170C - Squirrel & G-Man Twenty-Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carn't Smile (White Out); press kit back

FACT 170C - Squirrel & G-Man Twenty-Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carn't Smile (White Out); press kit front
Kuff Dam
Tart Tart
Olive Oil
Little Matchstick Owen
24 Hour Party People*
Little Matchstick Owen's Rap
Shaun Ryder - Vocals
Paul Ryder - Bass
Mark Day - Guitar
Gary Whelan - Drums
Paul Davis - Keyboards
Mark Berry - Percussion
Assistant Engineers: Zuni and Andy Kelly
Engineered by Dave Young
Produced by John Cale
(P) and © 1987 Factory Records
FACT 170c
All songs written, arranged and played by Happy Mondays
Recorded at Firehouse, London, December 1986
Central Station Design
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* 'Squirrel and a G-man...' was originally released without the track 24 Hour Party People, in its place was a track entitled 'Desmond' which borrowed heavily from 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da' by The Beatles. A few hundred albums where released with Desmond on, but Michael Jackson's people got wind of it and threatened to sue (MJ owned the rights to the Beatles songs). The offending track was removed and the album repressed with '24 Hour Party People' taking the place of 'Desmond'.
MOJO #152 features a piece on the top 101 Beatles tracks of all time. Leading it all off at #101 (p62), Shaun Ryder explains the enduring fascination and inspiration behind 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da':
"I was born in 1962, and when you're a six, seven year old and you've got a Lieutenant Pigeon piano and you're running about with your spliff and your massive mushrooms it sounded brilliant. It sounded like Pendlebury Market in Salford - the vibe, everything. And Molly Jones is outside the pub door at 10 past 10 waiting for them to open at half past, just watching the men. I thought the lyric was 'Desmond takes a trolley to the Durex store' till I was about 12. It's so descriptive. You can have the imagination of a brick and still see pictures in your head. You can smell the streets!
People go on about Sgt. Pepper, and it's brilliant and everything, but it's all on the same train on the same track on the same railway line. The White Album us off on tramlines, fuckin' buses and bicycles, and planes and saddling up sheepdogs and pigs, it's incredible. I mean, they probably had to put a big chain round the studio so they couldn't get out!
Did I rip this off for Desmond [track on Happy Mondays' debut album, withdrawn after complaints from Apple]? Well, we gave the game away calling it Desmond. On Lazyitis [Bummed album track strongly reminiscent of Ticket To Ride] we eventually had to give the credits to David Essex, Sly Stone, Lennon & McCartney, and the fuckin' Wombles, I think!"
Many thanks to Fitzy.