Life > FAC 122 Optimism < Mark Farrow < Designers

FAC 122 Optimism, 7" single front cover detail
Life was Manchester band with great potential formed in 1984 by New Order crew member Andy Robinson together with guitarist Graham Ellis and singer Rita Griffiths. Two excellent pop singles appeared on Factory - Tell Me (Fac 106, July 1984) and Optimism (Fac 122, April 1985) - both produced by Steve Morris with Gillian Gilbert. Factory Benelux also released a French language version of Tell Me, Dites Moi. The band also played several dates with New Order and Durutti Column. Shame they never made it as far as an album. Andy Robinson went on to manage New Order.
- details on Life by James Nice / LTM
The typography on this release was designed by Mark Farrow who also designed the sleeve for FAC 106 Tell Me, not to mention sleeves for Stockholm Monsters and other Factory bands.