Film > Control > BBC Northwest Today

Transcript of BBC Northwest Today, 10 January 2005

Kate Simms : "Genius, depressive, music legend, Ian Curtis has been many things to many people. Now his life story is about to reach a much bigger audience. For Salford-born writer Matt Greenhalgh it’s a dream come true."

Matt Greenhalgh: "He was definitely one of the godfathers of the city, and to be able to write a film - a Hollywood film at that - about it is just great. I was very proactive in getting this."

Kate Simms: "The team behind the film is an eclectic mix, with American producers and a Dutch director. Its co-producers, though, are more familiar. The film is based on the book by Ian Curtis's wife Debbie and no film about Joy Division would be complete without this familiar face [Tony Wilson] who has his own stories to add to the mix."

Tony Wilson: "There was the character whose head poked out of a fourth story window in London one night while he and the rest of his band were raining eggs and flour and water on me and my group trying to get into a van where they'd 'jammed' the door handles."

Kate Simms: "It's hoped that 'Control' will go into pre-production this summer."

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Thanks to Michael Eastwood.