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Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Peter Hook

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Graeme Park [photo © Michael Eastwood]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Graeme Park [photo © Tim Sinclair]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; party people [photo © Tim Sinclair]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; the exhibition

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; the exhibition [photo © Michael Eastwood]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; the exhibition [photo © Michael Eastwood]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; The Fifth Birthday posters [photo © Michael Eastwood]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Flesh poster

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Hacienda flags

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Vin D'Usine

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Ian Brown (wearing FAC51-Y3 trainers)

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Ian Brown [photo © Tim Sinclair]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Trevor Johnson [photo © Michael Eastwood]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Suddi Raval

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; John Robb [photo © Tim Sinclair]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Peter Saville [photo © Tim Sinclair]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; the press launch [photo © Michael Eastwood]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; VIP Pass [photo © Michael Eastwood]
![Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Peter Hook talk - Paul Morley and Peter Hook on stage [photo © Michael Eastwood]](images/hacienda/fac491_urbis_exhibition_morley_hook_450.jpg)
Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; Peter Hook talk - Paul Morley and Peter Hook on stage [photo © Michael Eastwood]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; the Hacienda Quiz hosted by Elliott Eastwick and Frank Sidebottom [photo © Michael Eastwood]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; the Ben Kelly and Peter Saville talk [photo © John McGlynn 2007]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; the Ben Kelly and Peter Saville talk [photo © John McGlynn 2007]

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; the Ben Kelly and Peter Saville talk - Ben Kelly meets Andy Warhol

Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491; the Ben Kelly and Peter Saville talk - Tony Wilson meets Ben Kelly for the first time
19 July 2007 to February 2008
Cathedral Gardens
Transcript of invitation
Review of exhibition / launch party Wednesday 18 July 2007
A diverse crowd of Hacienda regulars, Manchester musicians, Factory Records illuminati, friends and hangers on descended on Urbis last night to celebrate the launch of Hacienda 25: The Exhibition - FAC 491.
Rather appropriately as we waited outside some wag commented "it's just like the Hacienda itself - a large queue for no apparent reason".
Once inside and bolstered by a free drink courtesy of Stolichnaya (unfortunately it wasn't a typo on the invitation and it was only "a free drink" and not "free drinks") an energetic Peter Hook was DJing in the main space.
Gradually people filtered upstairs to the freshly-completed exhibition space itself. Spread out over several rooms and grouped both chronologically and thematically, it contained just about everything and anything from the history of the Hacienda.
Original artefacts began with the original '51' doors, Kevin Cummins's portrait of Tony Wilson, Hacienda 1 by Peter Saville and as such it evoked strong memories of stepping into the club itself.
A rather splendid Hacienda family tree by Elliott Eastwick charted the links between all the people who were ever linked to the club.
Films and videos of live performances, TV documentaries (including FAC 104) and original scratch videos by Claude Bessy and Swivel were available for your own viewing pleasure.
A whole section was devoted to the Visual Brand Signifiers of the Hacienda through the years. From original conceptual sketches for birthday posters to a brand new pair of FAC 51-Y3 trainers (via a bottle on Vin D'Usine) this was a particular highlight.
Downstairs the crowd spilled out to the popular smoking and drinking area to the sounds of Sasha and finally Graeme Park (who was introduced by Oliver Wilson who had just auctioned a pair of FAC 51-Y3s to a lucky lady for a cool grand).
Proceedings came to end at a respectable midnight but continued into the wee small hours at One Central Street.
A non-exhaustive list of those in attendance:
Ian Brown (sporting a pair of FAC51-Y3s), Pat Carroll, Pete Carroll, Andy Connell, Paul Cons, Terry Hall, Peter Hook, Karen Jackson, Trevor Johnson, Ben Kelly, Ang Matthews, Bruce Mitchell, moist, Damian Morgan, Martin Moscrop, Liz Page, Graeme Park, Suddi Raval, Lindsay Reade, Gonnie Rietveld, Matthew Robertson, Andy Robinson, Rowetta, Shaun Ryder (sporting a Y3 bomber jacket), Sasha, Peter Saville, Tim Sinclair, Ian Tilton, Oliver Wilson, Andrea Zapp
Peter Hook talk
The lucky few that managed to get tickets to the Peter Hook event at Urbis were treated to a highly entertaining and extremely candid interview by Paul Morley ("You know so much now I'm going to have to kill you all...").
Billed as a conversation predominantly about The Hacienda, Morley quickly abandoned the usual format of "talk followed by audience questions" with the request that questions be asked at any point during the proceedings - which led to two hours of chat about every aspect of Hooky's career, only a relatively small proportion of which covered The Hacienda itself.
Although marred by the inevitable, occasional anorak question, a number of revelations followed:
- New Order have recently had a fractious band meeting (outcome not revealed).
- The upcoming 'remastered' Joy Division albums are not actually taken from the original album masters - which have been 'misplaced' - and so are slightly different mixes from the originals.
- Early TJ Davidson Joy Division could only afford six hours of rehearsal time per week (four on Sunday, two on Wednesday), and would usually write one new song per session.
- Transmission was written in the week preceding the Mayflower 'Emergency' gig.
- Sam Riley (Ian Curtis in the upcoming Joy Division film 'Control') and Alexandria Maria Lara (Annik Honoré in the film)have enjoyed a (ahem) close relationship.
- Hooky actually chose the artwork that the 'Movement' album cover was based upon due to Peter Saville having a headache.
- New Order lyrics - up to 'Technique' - were written by the whole band.
- Martin Hannett had difficulty coming to terms with the lack of an Ian Curtis in New Order, didn't seem to like the other band members' vocals and, on one occasion, made Bernard go through 43 vocal takes before being satisfied with the result.
Among the small audience on the night were Larry Cassidy (SXXV), Andy Spinoza (SpinMedia) and Twinny.
Many thanks to Andy Brydon for the guest list and Alex for looking after the camera!
FAC491, the (must see) Urbis 25th anniversary Hacienda exhibition, is showing daily, 10:00-18:00, until 17th February 2008.
Paul Morley and Peter Hook pic by Michael Eastwood.
The Hacienda Quiz
As was pointed out to uberquizmeister (shurely shome mishtake? Ed.) Elliot Eastwick at last night's Urbis Hacienda quiz night: any question about the Hacienda has around 25 different answers (depending upon who is being asked), all of them probably correct!
So it came to pass with the hastily assembled 'FAC IT' team - featuring your Cerysmatic northern representative and artist Trevor Johnson - being cheated into third place and, thus, missing out on the prizes by a combination of incorrect 'official' answers, dodgy marking practices and our own amateur attempts at cheating!
Given that 'FAC IT' had blagged their way in without paying the GBP 15.00 entry fee anyway, the result was probably fair on reflection.
The eventual winners, 'FAC OFF', were treated to GBP 100.00 of books from the excellent Urbis shop.
"That's an awful lot of keyrings!" commented said quiz master, who was ably assisted by Timperley's own Frank Sidebottom.
Elliot has kindly allowed Cerysmatic to run the quiz for ourselves. Stay tuned...
FAC IT! team + Elliott Eastwick and Frank Sidebottom pic by Michael Eastwood.
The Ben Kelly and Peter Saville talk, Wednesday 14 November 2007
Peter Saville and Ben Kelly delivered a "keynote lecture" to an Urbis audience (both real and virtual) as part of their ongoing Hacienda exhibition on Wednesday 14 November 2007:
Wed 14 Nov 6-8pm (uk time) 11am - 1 pm (Linden Time)
SOLD OUT - But still available in Second Life Urbis
Don't miss this chance to catch up with two design gurus and members of the original Hacienda crew, Peter Saville and Ben Kelly in this Urbis talk and question and answer session. So get on down and find out how things were done the first time around. Any (sensible) questions may be put to our if you have any burning questions you would like answered from the good old days, then this is your chance!
This event is sold out in real life, but we will be streaming it into the virtual Urbis in Second Life. Our guests are also hoping to field some Second Life questions, so if you have any burning design issues to discuss, now is your chance!
click here to see more Second Life Events and instructions
To download Second Life, please visit
Click here if you have SL already and want to teleport straight to the event.
Full report to come. Photo gallery. Thanks to John McGlynn for additional pics.