Designers > Central Station Design > North: The Sound of the Dance Underground

North: The Sound of the Dance Underground; front cover detail
Release date
Record 1
Side A
1. Annette 'Dream 17' Produced by R. Rouge / T-Coy
2. T-Coy 'I Ain't Nightclubbing' Produced by T-Coy
Side B
1. DCB House 'Fantaz-ee' Produced by T-Coy
2. ED209 'Acid To Ecstasy' Produced by Rope, Moscrop, Johnstone
Record 2
Side A
1. A Guy Called Gerald 'Voodoo Ray' Produced by Gerald
2. Masters of Acid 'Megagrip' Produced by S. Gorton / T-Coy
Side B
1. T-Coy 'Carino' Produced by T-Coy
2. Frequency 9 'Get On One' Produced by Pickering, Close, Topping
The Sound of the Dance Underground - De/Construction Records
Executive Producers Mike Pickering / Pete Hadfield
Artworks - Central Station Design, Manchester