Factory Too
We were Factory too only for the 3 year period where we were owned by London/Polygram. An unbearable nightmare. London Polygram thought that they had bought everything, our bands, our catalogue and our name. They had, except that our official business name was Factory Communications Ltd which they had bought from the receiver for £50,000. 18 months ago we bought the name Factory Records Limited for £136 from Companies House in London.
Tony Wilson on Factory Too via factoryrecords.info

Factory Too
FACD 2.01 Sex and Death
FAC 2.02 A Factory Sample Too
FAC 2.03 Factory Too Bouncer's Hat / Christmas Present 1994
FAC 2.04 On Peel
FAC 2.05 Wasted
FACD 2.06 Wasps' Nests
FAC 2.07 Factory Internet Home Page v1 [->]
FAC 2.08 The Demo Cassette Box
FAC 2.09 Walks on Water
FACT 2.10 English and French
FACDR 2.11 Sex and Death cd-rom
FAC 2.12 Factory Too Showcase
FACD 2.12 Oh My Heartless
FAC 2.13 Keep On Tripping On
FAC 2.14 The Factory Bag / Christmas Present 1995
FAC 2.15 Splinters
FAC 2.16 Pornucopia
FAC 2.19 The Ineluctable Modality of Life
FACT 2.20 Space Monkeys [Confirmation required]
FAC 2.21 Sing to Me
FAC 2.22 Bad Kid
FAC 2.23 Signing On
FAC 2.24 Christmas Present 1996
FACT 2.25 The Daddy Of Them All
FAC 2.26 Unofficial Durutti Column Internet Activities
FAC 2.28 Factory Too Lapel Badge / Christmas Gift 1997
FAC 2.02 A Factory Sample Too
FAC 2.03 Factory Too Bouncer's Hat / Christmas Present 1994
FAC 2.04 On Peel
FAC 2.05 Wasted
FACD 2.06 Wasps' Nests
FAC 2.07 Factory Internet Home Page v1 [->]
FAC 2.08 The Demo Cassette Box
FAC 2.09 Walks on Water
FACT 2.10 English and French
FACDR 2.11 Sex and Death cd-rom
FAC 2.12 Factory Too Showcase
FACD 2.12 Oh My Heartless
FAC 2.13 Keep On Tripping On
FAC 2.14 The Factory Bag / Christmas Present 1995
FAC 2.15 Splinters
FAC 2.16 Pornucopia
FAC 2.19 The Ineluctable Modality of Life
FACT 2.20 Space Monkeys [Confirmation required]
FAC 2.21 Sing to Me
FAC 2.22 Bad Kid
FAC 2.23 Signing On
FAC 2.24 Christmas Present 1996
FACT 2.25 The Daddy Of Them All
FAC 2.26 Unofficial Durutti Column Internet Activities
FAC 2.28 Factory Too Lapel Badge / Christmas Gift 1997
Factory Too (continued)
FAC 2.29 Space Monkeys Demo Tape
FAC 2.31 Time Was Gigantic... When We Were Kids
FAC 2.32 Ridiculous Day
FAC 2.33 Blowing Down The Stylus / Dear Dhinus
FAC 2.34 Website Promo / (Christmas Gift 1998 ?)
FAC 2.35 FACD 2.60 Preview
FAC 2.37 Factory Internet Home Page v2
FAC 2.39 Who's the Daddy Now?
FACT 2.40 Different Colours, Different Shades
FACDR 2.41 Time Was Gigantic / Reissued Experiments
FAC 2.43 Acid House Killed Rock and Roll
FAC 2.53 Sugar Cane
FACD 2.60 Preston The Warehouse 28/2/80
FACD 2.61 Les Bain Douches
FACD 2.63 March of the Scarecrows
FAC 3.01 Sex and Death mailshot
FAC 2.31 Time Was Gigantic... When We Were Kids
FAC 2.32 Ridiculous Day
FAC 2.33 Blowing Down The Stylus / Dear Dhinus
FAC 2.34 Website Promo / (Christmas Gift 1998 ?)
FAC 2.35 FACD 2.60 Preview
FAC 2.37 Factory Internet Home Page v2
FAC 2.39 Who's the Daddy Now?
FACT 2.40 Different Colours, Different Shades
FACDR 2.41 Time Was Gigantic / Reissued Experiments
FAC 2.43 Acid House Killed Rock and Roll
FAC 2.53 Sugar Cane
FACD 2.60 Preston The Warehouse 28/2/80
FACD 2.61 Les Bain Douches
FACD 2.63 March of the Scarecrows
FAC 3.01 Sex and Death mailshot
Factory Once